Form1 BarCode 3 of 9 Version 1.1 Helvetica wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww Form1, Picture3 wwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww Label1 Helvetica Picture1 Label2 Label3 .Please Select Number of Labels Across to Print Picture2 Option1 1 Across Option2 2 Across Option3 3 Across Command1 Print Command2 New Code Command3 ABOUT About WHATS_NEW Whats New Form_Click @ Form_Load~ FORM1 CURRENTX CURRENTY onewide threewide) twospace fourspaceo fillstyle FILLCOLOR THREE PRINTER9 wbnb1 wbnsN SCALEMODE HEADER FOOTER SEVEN, EIGHT6 LETTER_AP LETTER_B LETTER_C7 LETTER_D_ LETTER_E{ LETTER_F PICTUREBOX PICTUREBOX1g PICTURE1Q Form_DragOver1 SOURCEE Stateq Form_DragDrop Form_MouseMove Button Shift- DIGIT LABEL2B CAPTION LABEL1! Command3_Click LETTER_G LETTER_H LETTER_I LETTER_J LETTER_K LETTER_L LETTER_M LETTER_N LETTER_O] LETTER_P LETTER_Q LETTER_R LETTER_S LETTER_T LETTER_U LETTER_V! LETTER_WM LETTER_X LETTER_Y LETTER_Zv NSWB- Command1_Click PICTURE IMAGE PICTURE2s VISIBLE COMMAND3 COMMAND1J COMMAND2 Command2_Click NOCODES, SCREEN WIDTH% HEIGHT ABOUT_Click FORM2 BARCODE DESCRIPTION PrintFlAG NOCODES1 Useprinter1` useprinter2 useprinter3W useprinter4 NB_EXIT NS_EXIT WB_EXIT| WS_EXIT OPTION1 COUNTER OPTION2 OPTION3 ACROSS VALUE WHATS_NEW_Click FORM3 MOUSEPOINTER Form_Load Main Form Purpose: Create Code 3 of 9 BarCodes For Windows Ver 3.0 Input: Barcode Number = BARCODE$ Description = Description$O Output: Screen = Visual BarCode Description: Code 3 of 9 BarCodes Each Code is Made up of 2 Different Types of Lines* One Thick and One Thin Also There Are Two Types Of* Spaces One Thick and One Thin This Programs Concept is Very Simple it Will First Divide thee Code Into Seperate Digits it Will Then Pick the Correctt Subroutine to Call Based on The BarCode Digit. Each Digit Subroutine Will Call Four Other Subroutines Each of The Four Subroutines Contains Code To Either Draw Liness or Spaces To Picture1. To Print The BarCode This Program Uses The PrintForm Methodd This Method May Not Work Correctly on all Printers it is Recommended That The Code Be Modified To Support any Printer By Using The Printer.Line Method.. To Do This You Can Insert A Flag In Each of The Four Subroutines NB Subroutine : Thick Space Three Pixels Wide NS Subroutine : Thin Space One Pixel Wide WS Subroutine : Thick Line Three Pixels Wide WB Subroutine : Thin Line Pixel Wide Show This Form Center Form On Screen Calculate The ScreenWidth / 2s Calculate The ScreenHeight / 2 Set The ScaleMode Property Of Picture1 To Pixelst This is Done Because Visual Basic Defaults To Twips ? Very Silly Mesurment System That No One Really Usel Set The Starting X Cord Set The Starting Y Cord Get Input From User BarCode Description Please Enter A Code" BarCode 3 of 9 Please Enter A Description BarCode 3 of 9 Set Label1 = Description Set Label2 = BarCode If No BarCode The End Call Header Subroutine This Will Place The Start Bits Of The BarCode On The Screenl The Next Part Of The Program Will Divide The Barcode* Into Indiviual Digits and Select The Correct Subroutine Based On The BarCodes Digitsl Set A=Length Of Barcode* Get Each Digit Of Code 'single line 'spacec double linee spacee single linee double space single linee spacee single linee spacee double linee 'spacee 'single linen 'single line 'spacec single linee spacee double linee double space single linee spacee single linee spacee double linee 'spaceN 'single linen THREE HEADER bar code start bit* SINGLE LINE DOUBLE SPACE SINGLE LINEE SINGLE SPACE DOUBLE LINEN SINGLE SPACE DOUBLE LINE SINGLE SPACE SINGLE LINE SINGLE SPACE FOOTER bar code stop bit* SEVEN EIGHT LETTER_A LETTER_B LETTER_C LETTER_D LETTER_E LETTER_F Command3_Click LETTER_G LETTER_H LETTER_I LETTER_J LETTER_K LETTER_L LETTER_M LETTER_N LETTER_O LETTER_P LETTER_Q LETTER_R LETTER_S LETTER_T LETTER_U LETTER_V LETTER_W LETTER_X LETTER_Y LETTER_Z Command1_Click Main Print Routine The Code That Follows is One Possible Solution to Print too any Graphics Printer That Windows Will Support. This Code May Be Further Modified To Ask The User How Many Labels They Wish To Print.W ALSO THE X AND Y CORDS MAY BE MODIFIED TO SUPPORT DIFFERENT SPACING FOR DIFFERENT SIZE LABELS F WINDOWS LIKES THIS I DONT KNOW WHY ONE LABEL ACROSS TWO LABELS ACROSS THREE LABELS ACROSS SET COUNTER TO NUMBER ACROSS RESET Y CORD FLAG TO SEND LINES TO PRINTER* THIS ROUTINE WILL SET THE CURRENT X CORD FOR EACH LABEL TO PRINT THE DESCRIPTIONE PRINT THE DESCRIPTIONR THIS ROUTINE WILL RESET THE X CORD FOR EACH LABEL TO PRINT THE BAR CODE EACH BAR CODE HAS A HEADERR PRINT BARCODE HEADER THIS ROUTINE WILL DIVIDE THE CODE INTO DIGITS THEN CALL EACH DIGITS SUBROUTINEE GET BARCODE FROM LABEL2* Set A=Length Of Barcode* Get Each Digit Of Code ADD 1 MORE SINGLE SPACEC THIS ROUTINE WILL TAKE CARE OF THE LAST DIGIT IN THE BARCODE* THIS WAS ADDED BECAUSE IT WAS A SIMPLE WAY TO DO IT.. HOWEVER IF YOU CAN THINK OF A BETTER WAY I LIKE TO SEE IT.* EACH BARCODE HAS A FOOTER THIS CODE WILL RESET THE X CORD TO PRINT THE BARCODE TEXT RESET FLAG PRINT THIS PAGER Command2_Click ABOUT_Click Show The About Form WHATS_NEW_Click